Due to a lack of Wifi (or WeeFee) as the French call it, this post is being made by an impostor.
So, Rob has reported:
We are in Castillon by the river. (for those who don't know, Castillon is a small town on the Dordogne - the river in question - not too far from St Emilion). We had a 94 km ride today and managed to stay dry despite being surrounded by clouds (editor's paraphrasing privileges applied). Got a Chamber d'Hote on the hills above the town - the owner will take us in and out for a Castleout! (Your guess is as good as mine!) Bikes are well as are we. The canal at La Reole by lunch tomorrow and then hopefully Agen.
We are all having teas (no milk) and chocolat - very lucky so far with the weather but a chilly night is forecast tonight. (Comment to me 'Does that sound familiar?') For those who may have been living on a different planet in 2007 and not up to speed with the ride Rob and I did then, a detailed account can be found here (NB, the first photo in this account was taken on the bridge crossing the Dordogne at Castillon so that's karma) Food in 90 mins. (Posted at 18:07 French time)
This photo was taken in 2007 while crossing the Dordogne at Castillon so in the absence of anything from Rob and team, enjoy the view.
Well done to the four of you. To reach the Dordogne in five days is quite an achievement. Over half way already? The towpath starts tomorrow - enjoy!